报告题目:Corporate governance and firm environmental performance: the role of gender diversity
报 告 人: 汪健
Research on the impact of corporate board diversity on corporate governance for corporate sustainability development is on the rise. However, studies on the effects of gender diversity on corporate environmental performance are limited to traditional corporate social responsibility reports, disclosures, and ratings. This study, instead, explores such effects, focusing on overall carbon emissions. It employs a novel dataset compiled based on direct overall carbon emissions at the firm level in Japan. Accordingly, firms with female outside directors are more likely to have lower carbon emissions. By contrast, abatement effects are muted if women are appointed as inside directors. The findings are robust to several identification strategies employed to address potential endogeneity issues. The policy implications encourage corporations to strengthen sustainability performance from the governance perspective.
汪健,上海大学管理学院副教授。主要研究方向为城市与环境经济学,主要聚焦中国和日本经济。研究主题包括集聚经济、环境可持续性和城市可持续发展。其在Papers in Regional Science, The Annals of Regional Science, Environment and Planning A, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Energy Economics等知名期刊发表论文多篇,主持国家自然科学基金2项。