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Feng J., Ho Z.Y., and Qin X.D. (2022) Internal and external reference dependence of incomplete contracts: experimental evidence. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 203, 189-209.

Feng, J., Qin, X., and Wang, X. (2021). A Bayesian cognitive hierarchy model with fixed reasoning levels. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 192, 704-723.

Feng J., Saijo T., Shen, J.Y. and Qin X.D. (2018). Instability in the voluntary contribution mechanism with a quasi-linear payoff function: An experimental analysis. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 72, pp. 67-77. 

Saijo, T., Feng, J. and Kobayashi, Y. (2017). Common-Pool Resources are intrinsically unstable. International Journal of the Commons. 11(2), pp.597–620



Shen Q., Fu S.G., ……, and Feng J.(corresponding author) Factual and counterfactual learning in adolescent major depressive disorder: evidence from an instrumental learning study. Conditional acceptance from Psychological Medicine.

Feng J., Li J., and Wang Y.L. limited foresighted reasoning in supply chain bargaining with infinite horizon. In preparation.

Feng J. and Qin X.D. Level-k reasoning and biased belief updating in the Dutch auction with independent private values. In preparation.

Feng J., Fu S.G., and Shen Q. Leaning and reasoning: two systems for repeated strategic interaction in the brain: An fMRI study. In data collection.



Presentation (talk) The role of discount factors and (limited) foresighted reasoning in supply chain bargaining, the 8th International Workshop on Experimental Economics at Xiamen University, Amoy, China Dec. 9-11, (2022)

Presentation (talk) “A Bayesian cognitive hierarchy model with fixed reasoning levels”, invited by School of Management & Engineering at Nanjing University, China, May. 18th, (2022)

Presentation (talk) “A Bayesian cognitive hierarchy model with fixed reasoning levels”, invited by Research Center for Future Design at Kochi University of Technology, Japan, Dec. 14th, (2021)

Presentation (talk) “Dynamic level-k and cognitive hierarchy models of repeated normal form games: A note”, the 2018 Experimental Economics Workshop at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China Dec. 22, (2018)  

Presentation (talk) “Dynamic level-k and cognitive hierarchy models of repeated normal form games: A note”, the 7th International Workshop on Experimental Economics at Xiamen University, Amoy, China Dec. 15-16, (2018)  

Presentation (talk) “Belief formation, response and convergence in the voluntary contribution mechanism with heterogeneous quasi-linear payoffs: an experimental analysis”, the 6th International Workshop on Experimental Economics at Xiamen University, Amoy, China Dec. 16-18, (2016)  

Presentation (talk) “Instability in the voluntary contribution mechanism with a quasi-linear payoff function”, the 19th Experimental Social Science Conference at the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Nov. 28-29, (2015)  


Referee for Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Social Choice and Welfare, International Journal of Electronic Commerce  

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