

报告题目:Horizontal Merger Analysis with Endogenous Product Range Choice

报 告 人:潘丽君(南京大学)





We consider bilateral mergers between multi-product firms in a market structure with a monopolistically competitive fringe of single-product firms. Aggregate product variety in the market is determined by the endogenous product variety choices of the multi-product firms and entry/exit decisions of single-product firms. We show that if the multi-product firms are more efficient than the single-product firms in terms of both marginal cost and fixed cost, or if they have a sufficiently large marginal cost advantage, then any merger with fixed cost synergies harm consumer welfare. If the multi-product firms have a fixed cost advantage, then mergers with sufficiently high marginal cost synergies harm consumer welfare, despite causing an increase in aggregate product variety. However, if single-product firms have a fixed cost advantage, then mergers with sufficiently high marginal cost synergies increase consumer welfare. Our results imply that mergers which result in high cost synergies or an increase in aggregate product variety do not necessarily improve consumer welfare.


日本名古屋大学经济学博士,南京大学伟德国际官网1946手机版下载教师,主要研究领域为产业组织理论、微观经济理论以及国际贸易。近年来论文发表于Journal of Industrial Economics, Economics Letters等国际知名SSCI期刊。主持包括国家自然科学基金、省市级课题在内的多项课题,并获得省部级奖励。

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