

报告题目:Econometric Method: Regression Discontinuity (RD) and Regression Kink (RK)

报 告 人:Dr. Bo Gao(Loughborough University)





    This presentation explains econometric methods of regression discontinuity (RD) and regression kink (RK). There is a growing trend in the literature using RD, which is very powerful in the identification of local causal effect but relies heavily on the discontinuity of data. In the presentation, Sharp RD and Fuzzy RD, as well as the issue of selection and falsification tests, are explained. Examples from various papers will be used to illustrate how RD is implemented. RK is another method that relies on the specific property of data, i.e., a kink. In the presentation, RK is explained as a comparison with RD.


   Dr. Gao is an assistant professor in Economics in Loughborough University in UK. Before joining Loughborough University in 2018, he completed his Ph.D in Economics in Newcastle University in 2016 and worked at Durham University in UK. He received his Bachelor and Master degrees from Southeast University in China. His Ph.D study is fully-funded by Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Scholarship in UK. His research interest is in the areas of international trade and applied microeconometrics. His research has been published (or forthcoming) in Review of International Economics, China Economic Review, World Economy, Review of World Economics. Nominated by European Economic Association, he is an attendant of 5th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting on Economic Sciences in 2014.

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