卓越讲坛第二十讲:Publish or Perish:A Few Random Observations


报告题目:Publish or Perish:A Few Random Observations

人:Prof. Junfu Zhang (Clark University)





   Drawing on personal experience as an author, reviewer, and guest editor, Professor Zhang will give an introduction of the academic publication process. He will comment on what is good economic research, how to write up research findings, and how to get it published. He will point out a few common pitfalls for junior economists and discuss strategies to avoid them. He will speak for about an hour and leave plenty of time for Q&A.


   Junfu Zhang is a professor of economics at Clark University, specializing in urban and regional economics. His research interests include urbanization in China, regional development, entrepreneurship and job creation, high-tech industrial clusters, and racial housing segregation. He has published his work in academic journals such as the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Regional Science, Journal of Urban Economics, Regional Science and Urban Economics, and Review of Economics and Statistics. Zhang received a B.A. from Renmin University of China and a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University. He was a dissertation fellow at the Brookings Institution during 2000-2001. Before joining Clark University in 2006, he worked as a research fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California. He has been an IZA research fellow since 2007. He served as the president of the Chinese Economists Society from 2019-2020.

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