报告人: 孟宪明教授
孟宪明博士,澳大利亚新英格兰大学高级研究员,博导。研究领域广泛,包括旅游经济学、能源和环境经济学、金融经济学、农业经济学、经济增长与循环。出版2本专著,在Tourism Management、Environmental and Resources Economics、Energy Economics、Energy Policy、Tourism Analysis, Agriculture Economics、Tourism Economics、Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing、Economic Modelling、Applied Economics、Natural Resource Research、Journal of Asian Economics等A类SSCI(SCI)期刊共计发表学术论文30多篇。多次担任上述期刊评审专家及博士论文评审专家。申请并完成多个科研项目, 包括两个澳洲顶级类项目:澳洲研究理事会(ARC)工业合作项目‘适应碳税引发的澳洲城乡能源需求变动’和澳洲研究理事会(ARC)发现项目‘加深对低碳政策影响的理解’。
This paper uses the recent GTAPE database and a CGE modelling framework to simulate the effect of a national ETS on Chinese economy as well as on global trade. The simulation results show that the ETS is very effective in emission reduction but causes mild economic contraction in China. The ETS also causes substantial trade creation and trade diversion. In regard to international trade in energy and resources, China exports more coal and gas and, counter-intuitively, also imports more coal and gas. The study concludes that, due to trade linkage, a global action is needed to reduce emission effectively.